Monday, June 7, 2010

Did you hear that?

Have you ever just felt like God smacked you upside the head, well this morning I literally felt it!

I was reading a blog last night about simplifying our lives and was trying to figure out where to start with all the "stuff" that clutters my life...spent all night just thinking and pondering which pile to tackle first. I ended up falling asleep with only the dishes done and a load of laundry in.

When I woke up this morning my mind started turning again and I said "Lord, can you give me some ideas on where to start?" and, wait, here comes the smack, He said, "Well, are you going to talk to me and spend time with me first?!?"

OUCH! What was I thinking. If only I would take time to be with my Heavenly Father and I already know that He only wants the best for me. He will show me exactly where to start to unclutter and simplify. He is just telling me to start with my life and my heart.


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